Getting So Much Done!

It’s amazing how much I’m able to do around the house, now that I’m not working outside of the home anymore! I’ve started a list of all the things I’ve been wanting to fix, or clean, or get rid off, or paint. And I have the time to do all of those things! (Maybe not always the energy, but that’s slowly improving, too.)

I’ve started out with little things, like cleaning the top of our refrigerator, which was quite dirty and dusty, and I also dusted off the top of our stacked washer and dryer set. Quite a bit of dust up there! A few years ago, I bought reusable dusting pads made to fit on Swiffer dusting tools. I love those things! No more unwanted perfume smells, and I just hand wash the reusable ones and hang them on the line to dry. They pick up so much dust, more than the swiffer brand, because they are much fluffier. (I found them on Amazon). I highly recommend them.

Other things I’ve accomplished is rehanging some curtains that were washed and never put back up (until now) because they were way down on my list of things to do. It was pretty quick and easy, but the job just didn’t seem that important when I was stressed and tired from work, and doing the minimum requirements of grocery shopping, food prep, and vacuuming, and keeping the kitchen and bathroom cleaned up! Now I have plenty of time to do all of those things, and I’ve even started a list of other things I want to do. I’ve already put in the summer screens in our doors (maybe jumped the gun a bit on that one, because we often get snow in late April, but, Oh well, job is done.)

Yesterday I also put up my hummingbird feeders, the earliest I’ve ever put them out, but the Hummingbird Migration map showed plenty of sightings of those lovely birds already here in our state, so that job is also checked off (although that’s a constant chore all through the summer, making “nectar” and keeping the feeders clean and refilled). Once this rainy week is history, I’ll be planting cucumbers and tomatoes in my raised-bed garden, and looking forward to plenty of cucumber and onion salad. My husband and I love that salad, eat it all through the summer and never get tired of it! (I buy my sweet onions from the grocery store.)

I also need to do a thorough cleaning/washing of my car, inside and out, and I want to wash all of the other curtains in the house (maybe look for some “new” ones for the kitchen, at the thrift store. And, I want to do some cleaning in the attic, and donate more items to the thrift store (already took a big load of stuff last week, but there are still items up there that we no longer use). Once that space is sufficiently cleared out, then I can clean and organize things up there. My husband recently put in new insulation in the attic, so my Christmas storage boxes are all in the wrong places, and need to be reorganized so I can find stuff later this year. And oh yeah, my front yard flower garden needs weeding and mulching. Last year I splurged on some Creeping Phlox plants. Those are so pretty, and the new plants are looking good this 2nd year. And we certainly have plenty of rocks for them to “climb on!” When I go to pick up front garden supplies, I can also get the manure and top soil for my vegetable garden. Just thinking about all those projects has me excited, because now I have the time and energy to get those things done. I especially love working outside (until the dog days hit). I guess I’ll save the indoor jobs for the dog days, and crank the AC!

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