Polar Vortex Descending

Frigid weather is headed to the midwest United States, and our survival depends upon shrewd planning. Temperatures will dip down below zero, with wind chills forecasted to be as low as -24º F. Local schools have already canceled classes for … Continue reading

Your Perfume is Penetrating My Plastic Bubble

As the autoimmune protocol (AIP) healing diet progresses, sometimes I think I’m feeling a little better, and sometimes not. I don’t have a lot of energy, and often ditch my daily to-do list because I’m dealing with dizziness or fatigue. … Continue reading

A New Spirit of Tenacity for this Untrodden 2019

I’ve never been much of one for New Year’s resolutions. Whenever I’ve wanted to start a new habit, set some difficult goals, or rein in some unhealthy impulses, I would begin when the inspiration arose. Why wait until the new … Continue reading