Lent 2024 with Charlene, Hoping for Healing

Today I went grocery shopping, looking for the foods that I will need to help my body heal. My daughter is a big fan of Karen Hurd, the (so-called) “ Bean Queen” Her story is quite amazing. I will share a link below, so you can read about it, if you like, but the beginning of her bean-loving reputation came about because her baby was poisoned by some exterminator who came into her house and sprayed for carpet beetles. He sprayed a solution that was MUCH too strong, and Karen’s baby nearly died. She did some online research and saved her child with “bean juice.” Her story, expertise and education blossomed from that situation, and that is why my northern grandkids eat beans at every meal. Turns out that popular song was true: “Beans, beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot, the more you toot, the better you feel, so let’s have beans for EVERY MEAL!”

My oldest daughter and her family have been eating beans at every meal for years. Her kids complained a lot, and sometimes took an hour to eat those beans, but the desire to heal her family was strong in my daughter’s heart, so she put up with the whining. They’re all pretty good now, about eating their beans…now it’s my turn to whine!

Beans are actually quite tasty, most of the time. Over the years, I’ve used them often making chili, (and, since we were always a tex-mex loving family, with burritos and quesadillas, using refrieds) so it’s nothing new to me. And nothing new to my daughter, either, because refried beans were her favorite food! But I’m just getting started on the daily beans diet. To make it easy on myself, I chose my favorite and easiest beans for my staple, canned, organic black beans.

Beans actually are a magical kind of “fruit,” because they help remove toxins from our bodies, better than any other food. I cannot recall the mechanics of how this takes place, but you can read about that in my link to Karen Hurd, at the end of today’s post. There are some healing practitioners who recommend the Carnivore diet, but who can afford meat these days? I do continue to buy small amounts of chicken and ground beef, but now that I’m no longer working, we might have to cut back even further on our meat purchases. Today I went for a quick grocery shopping trip, not all that many things on the list. The total was over $150! I’m looking forward to the day when I can do a weekly shopping for a family of two, and see a total closer to $75-$80, like it used to be. Grocery prices are absurd right now. We have got to find a way to bring prices back down to livable levels!

But, back to the beans (which, BTW, are very economically priced!)

Right now I’m wishing that I would have started the “BAEM” a long time ago. I pronounce that “Beans At Every Meal” acronym as “bam,” which seems rather appropriate considering what happens after you eat beans. That was the main reason I delayed starting the diet. I wasn’t ready to give up my social life just yet. Now that my symptoms are working to keep me at home, I’m desperate enough to give it a try. Today is a pretty bad day, symptom-wise. I woke up feeling weak and dizzy, and it’s getting worse as the day goes on. My head is a helium balloon, filling up with air and about to explode, and my legs are wet noodles. It’s a good thing they provide sturdy “walkers” at the grocery store, or I’d never get that done, either. But hey, how convenient for me that it’s the season of Lent! I don’t have to think of sacrifices to make, because sacrifices are being forced upon me, kinda like sixteen years ago, when I suffered like mad through medical “treatments” for breast cancer. That was the worst year of my life, and the holiest Lent I ever had. And it’s also, at least partially, the cause of my myriad of ongoing symptoms now, especially my adrenal fatigue and thyroid meltdown, but at least I’m still here, for now. And I won’t let it keep me down for too long. It’s difficult to feel down, when my head is a helium balloon. I’ll spend the rest of this blustery day holding on tight, so I don’t drift off into the heavens!
