Still Plugging Away/ “Cancerversary” (and, a children’s book review)

I often have so little free time and energy these days, that I rarely get around to doing a weekly blog post. With my monthly commitment to the online magazine, Catholic Mom, and the Celebrate Life magazine contacting me periodically … Continue reading

Mornings Were Made for Leisure

I never was a morning person, and the older I get, the less I like mornings. It’s not that I actually hate mornings. I don’t wake up grumpy or out-of-sorts. I just crawl out of bed like a sloth, and it … Continue reading

“Red” Finally Decides to Grow Old “Grayfully”

In my opinion, auburn is the perfect color for hair. It’s not that blazing orange carrot-top “red,” but it’s not a boring brown, either. It’s like an autumn leaf that disguises itself as a pleasing light brown, until the sun … Continue reading