Wedding Anniversaries

When I was young, I remember reading the wedding anniversary notices in our local newspaper. Family members would send in articles all the time, about couples married 25, 30, 40, 50, and beyond. There’d be these cute stories about how they met, often stories including the groom heading off to war soon after, but they were still happily married, and there were so many of these stories. They were beautiful and encouraging

Nowadays we read about famous stars and their regular (often nasty) break-ups and remarrying. That’s not marriage, people, that’s make-believe! And the news outlets think we care. I guess some of you have encouraged them by reading those sad stories, but I don’t, unless they happen to share stories about Hollywood couples who are making it last. Yes, those are the kind of marriages I want to hear about, not the crazy, drunken husbands and women meeting one loser after another. That’s not marriage, that’s make-believe, and it’s certainly not true love. Love is not a feeling, and marriage is not easy, but two people, who are reasonably sane, with reigned-in egos and psychological control, can make a marriage last until “death do us part.” Love is a decision, and marriage is a sacrament.

And now-famous Harrison Butker, Kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, no finds himself wrapped up in a whirlwind of controversy for speaking Catholic truth at a Catholic College. He didn’t say anything wrong, he didn’t try to influence anyone in their life decisions. He just spoke of things that are true for many people. I’ve worked many jobs in my life, but the most fulfilling has definitely been being a stay-at-home mom, and even a homeschooling mom. I used so many of my skills and gifts as a mom, and it was awesome. And when they were all graduated from our high school, I went back to work. My time as a stay-at-home mom did not diminish me at all, it made me better, more creative, a skilled problem solver who also learned more as a teacher than I ever learned in a brick and mortar school. I’m a published writer, I spent many years as a caregiver for the elderly, and I’ve had more adventures in my life than I ever imagined. And all that time, my husband has been at my side, helping and encouraging and keeping me on track. And today, we celebrate our 42nd anniversary, as we count our blessings and look forward to many more years and blessings to come. It’s a beautiful, God-given sacrament, designed to last a lifetime, so breeze past those Hollywood divorce stories, and find loving couples and marriages to encourage you on your path, and remember, love is not easy, and sometimes requires that you lay down your life (so to speak) in love of your spouse. It’s always worth the effort in the long run!

As for me and my husband, we’re headed to our favorite winery this evening, for dinner and bluegrass music (I’m not a big bluegrass fan, but I play along, usually by heckling the band!) And the dinner and wine will be a delight, as we pat ourselves on the back for making it this far!

And always remember this: Love is never about “getting,” it’s about giving!

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